Friday, June 27, 2008

Feeling Better

I just wanted to drop a quick line to let you all know that I am feeling a little better. I am still dozy and sore (and pretty well drugged up) but as Will said, chemo seems to be my cure for nausea. I finally feel like I just might want to eat something. So for now, its back to bed with me. But again, thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers. With love,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Dose of Chemo

The chemotherapy went well yesterday. We were at the hospital for 4 hours or so. No reactions, no problems. The doctor offered Aimee some oxycodone for the pain, as the over-the-counter pain relievers haven't been working. (So far so good-- keeps her pretty drowsy though.) They also offered something called Megace, which should boost her appetite. So far, her nausea has been less severe than before. (Who would have thought that Chemotherapy could be used as a cure for nausea?)

Her white blood cell count will drop, so we have to take extra care that she not catch a cold or the flu while she's being treated. Also, we got mixed messages whether she will lose her hair. The doctor said "thinning;" the nurse said "losing." Needless to say, we're hoping for the former.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chemotherapy Today

It's been an uphill battle fighting Aimee's nausea. She still hasn't been able to put on any weight, but the doctors suggested we come in today anyway and start treatment. They figure at this point the cause of the nausea is most probably the cancer itself, so the best way to combat it is with the chemotherapy. And Aimee figures that if she's nauseated anyway, she might as well be getting the chemotherapy. We're gonna see if we can get some good drugs to help her through it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eastern Medicine

This last week we have ventured into eastern medicine with two visits to the acupuncturist. This has been an interesting experience. My first visit took over two hours, but my second (this morning) was a hour. In all that time, the acupuncturist only puts about 9-12 needles into me. At first she asks what is hurting, where and why. Then, I get up on the table; she puts 1-2 hair-thin needles in my hands, arms, legs, feet and in the skin between my eyebrows. She puts each one in until she feels a tug and I feel a twinge and then adjusts it till it is comfortable to me. Next--the strangest part to me--she leaves me there to sleep or meditate (or say the rosary) with the needles in for 30-45 minutes. The bodily sensation is both relaxing and a little frightening as I feel somewhat paralyzed and comatose with the needles in. Then she comes back, takes them out and I'm done. So far though, the results have been good. I have slept more in the last two nights than I had in a long time and the nausea seems improved. Food is still a challenge but it seems to be very slowly getting better. I have still been losing, rather than gaining, weight, so hopefully this will help some.

And we did hear about the latest melanoma treatment coming out of Seattle (Click here for the story). Reading up on it in the New England Journal of Medicine, we find it still is very much in its preliminary stages with only one documented success and now only open to those who have been given more than 6 weeks but less than 6 months to live. Only 12 people are expected to be accepted for the next trial. However, we emailed our doctor about it and are waiting to hear what he has to say (apparently, wisely forseeing the melanomic frenzy that would ensue, he is out of the office for the day). We will definitely keep a hopeful eye on what develops. And again, we'll let you know what we hear... :)

Lots of love and many thanks for thinking of us,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Next Treatment.

We met with Dr. Atkins this afternoon. He suggested the next line of attack be chemotherapy (Dacarbazine) to slow down the growth of Aimee's tumors. It would be administered in 2 doses over 6 weeks. After she completes that, he suggested 2 possible clinical trials (Anti-PD1, Anti-cd137).

First things first, though. He said Aimee needs to recover fully from the last round, put on some more weight, and get her strength back before she undergoes chemotherapy. So that's our particular task the next week or 2.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Thank you!

Dear friends, sorry for our silence there for a few days. I seem to finally be emerging from some extremely unpleasant version of the stomach bug that has had me in its clutches for the last two weeks. I think (hope!) I am on the mend at last. Thank you so much for all your love and encouragement. Once again, I must insist we have the best family and friends in the world.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


MRIs revealed that while Aimee has no cancer in her brain or other vital organs, it has once again spread. So RAF265 didn't work. We will discuss options next week.

Monday, June 02, 2008


I had a head MRI yesterday and a regular one today--hopefully I will have results tomorrow afternoon or so.

With those out of the way, I am feeling better. I'll let you know what we hear, when we hear it. Got to run, Xavier is chewing on my arm...