My CT scan for today has been switched for a PET scan on Friday. Hopefully, this will get us around the problems of reading the contrast-less CT and will give us a more accurate idea of how everything is going. My meeting with the doctors to get the results will still be a week from tomorrow. We'll let you know what we hear.
Otherwise, things here have been a Lemony Snickety tangle of busy happenings. It got cold in the last few days...We ordered oil, put in the storm windows, took out the ac, put up our Halloween pumpkins. Our water heater broke on Friday night and leaked all over the basement, we have no hot water, or even vaguely warm water; our landlady is in Greece (so we were on clean-up, catch up, and follow up). Her daughter changed her cell phone number-- it took me all weekend to hunt her down in order to get the plumber in--the plumber visited yesterday evening and promised to return today with a brand new water heater. Our pediatrician left our insurance so we had to find a new one and do all the accompanying paperwork to transfer files, doctors, claim numbers, etc. The secretary chided me that I should have done this sooner (switched or forced out our doctor, it wasn't clear which) and now I will have to wait until they get the paperwork before I can make Tilly's belated check-up appointment. And then I got a note in the mail that one of our claims was denied and we owe $900 for the dermatologist visit in May. (That was an expensive band-aid!) And when I called today to ask about it (the bill, not the band-aid), they said; No, actually, there are three denied claims from that same day and we owe a few thousand dollars because they never got a referral, or more likely, did, but lost it--and now it is too late to send a referral as more than 3 months have passed. (I know I requested it--I remember calling them to do it). (Plus, why didn't they ask for it sooner if it was missing??!??) BUT I talked to my doctor, to the insurance customer service department, the claims department, and the appeals department and verbally appealed the denial--and I think, I hope, I straightened it out. Phew!! NOW, I'm happy.
Besides all this, we had a wonderful weekend. Donny and Michael and Jessica came over on Saturday afternoon and we went to the farm for a haunted hay ride, ate hot apple donuts, and brought home the two best little pumpkins in the patch, er...bin. On Sunday, we went to Dorothy's house for a reunion of former Marshall Street Spinsters (or at least some of the very local old Medford roommates --Sadie, Becky, Tara and the Annex girls sadly weren't there). Once, it was just us girls studying in cold garrets (or warm friend-filled kitchens, depending on the version you hear). Now there are spouses , fiances, and babies everywhere. We had-as usual-a very lovely time. Pictures to follow.
I hope you are very well and that reading this doesn't cause you to chew on a table (per the Lemony Snickets baby).
With lots of love