Thursday, June 21, 2007

No News

I am up and about-feeling much better and much more mobile. I even made it to Will's sister Lizzy and her new husband Court's wedding this past weekend-which was lovely and exciting.
However, my doctor's visit for this week has been postponed until my, um, fluid production is down. Hopefully, I will get in to have the last of my tubes out and for a long awaited time-line for treatments on Monday or Wednesday. We'll let you know what happens. Thank you again, very much, for all your love, prayers, time, energy, thoughts and more. We have the most amazing friends and family. All our love to you.


Michele said...

I'm glad you were able to make it to the wedding. :) You're in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...


It was lovely to see you at the wedding, and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to chat. You were the center of attention and it was hard to get through the crowds to see you! I did get to talk to your parents, and to Mary Agnes and Joe, so that was really cool.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Love to you all.

Christl said...

It's Wednesday morning, and we're all praying for a good doctor visit and good news. We send all our love and prayers.

Chris, Bainard, Veronica, & Glencora