Saturday, October 04, 2008

Day 11

Hello everyone--thank you, as always for your amazing love, prayers, thoughts, good deeds--I can't imagine going through this without you. You keep making my day.

As for today, it has been pretty quiet here. I was just transfered back down from the ICU about a half an hour ago and am glad to get out (for the moment at least) of all the monitoring lines they had me attached to--though all the nurses and doctors were lovely to us there--and even then I had my own room. This whole place is lovely and bright--it may well be the interleukin spa after all.

So back at our old 3 Northwest, I have a new room. I should get some decent sleep tonight. The room is also very large and has a giant picture window to let in the sun. I am still on the oxygen for breathing but besides the usual chemo fatigue, I think I am feeling fairly well. And all that despite the fact that I actually have no white cell count-and so no immune system--what neat things are happening in our world, don't you think?

I'm off to eat some dinner. God bless.
ps-for those of you who are betting folk, I still have my hair--updates to follow.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are back to your "old wing". I hope you are able to get some real sleep. As much as I am a fan of the ICU, it is very very difficult to sleep there - good for me, bad for you :)

Take it easy, and let the new cells do their job...

Prayers and blessed angels headed your way for a beautiful nights sleep.

Liam prays for you nightly - for God to watch over you. :)
As do we all.
Lots of love to you and your family.

Chris and the boys.

meg and greg said...

Yeah Aimee! We're all praying for you and Will. Keep your chin up and try to smell the roses (through the sealed window.)
Things on the outside are going the same as slways so don't think your missing anything new or interesting.
Lots of love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear (read here: see) your voice Aimee. Lots of love!

RKR said...

I'm now praying the sun keeps shining through that big window. That can make a huge difference to any hospital stay! And hooray for stubborn hair (in my humble opinion the fact that it's red is definitely a plus on that score).
Love always,

Lizzy Wells said...

Dear Aimee and Will,

We can't tell you how much we miss you both. Constant prayers and love to you!

All our love,
Lizzy and Court

Petrus said...

So happy to hear that things are well!

Damien Fisher said...

Hooray - so glad you're out of the ICU! You're always at the top of our prayer list.

love, Simmy and Damien

Damien Fisher said...

Hooray - so glad you're out of the ICU! You're always at the top of our prayer list.

love, Simmy and Damien

w. wilson said...

Your hair could take ANYTHING down in a fight.

We miss you!

xoxox Whit and Co.