Thursday, November 13, 2008

Visit to Beth Israel Hospital

We went to Beth Israel on Tuesday, as Aimee was feeling extremely tired and bloated. They had a look at her and have scheduled a scan for later this week. They thought maybe her blood counts were low and were ready to give her a transfusion, but her counts ended up fine. Also it seems, at least from the blood analysis, that her kidneys are working well. We'll probably go back into Boston tomorrow and have an appointment set for Monday as well.

In the meantime, we're working on getting Aimee's weight back up. NIH gave us some additives called Benecalorie, which should add 300 calories to anything she eats. Hopefully this will help as putting weight back on has really been an uphill battle.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you always and hope that you have some relief soon.

With love,
Mary Mumbach

Anonymous said...

Thankfully Turkey Day is around the corner. That's bound to put weight on anybody!

meg and greg said...

Add chocolate sauce to anything, or carmel sauce, and that should have her bulking up in no time.
No really, ask anytime. I'm full of great ideas!
We are praying for you all as always. Lots of love and juicy kisses.
(Oh, and we're offering up Bridget's aches and pains too!)

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers and thoughts all the time....I am happy to hear that the counts are good and that ole kidney is working!
Much love and prayers, Grace Rock and all the pebbles

Anonymous said...

God's Blessing be within you:aimee, Will, Tilly & xavier.
Let us cast all of our anxieties into God's hands, who creates us & knows what best for us.
Though the battle seems very resilient, in the Holy Name of Jesus, Our Lord & Savior, WE SHALL OVERCOME.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the just one runs to it and is safe." Prov 18:10
Fr. chateau

Anonymous said...

Hello Dearest Will and Aimee,

I know you have been bombarded with information all along this journey, but I wanted to offer some nutritional info too.
I personally love the benecalorie for my patients. Works great, easy to use. I also like the carnation instant breakfasts... I am a big fan of oatmeal! Why? Because it has the potential to become so much more. Have you heard of beneprotien? 1 packet has a whole days worth of protein. Proteins are BIG molecules. Once inside your blood stream in the form of albumin (they check these on blood panels) they help to absorb that fluid (all that bloating) pulling the fluid into the bloodstream and pushing it to the kidneys. So, at work, I love breakfasts because cream of wheat and oatmeal can take 1 packet, mix it up with the cereal, some milk and butter and sugar... its now a warm, delightful, protein packed breakfast... and I know, everything else taken in for the day is a bonus.
Just a thought to go along with all the ensure, boosts and other supplemental drinks you have chosen.
Don't forget to put some ice cream into a blender with a banana and an ensure, *and a little milk* and whip it good... yummy, wholesome, filling, and full of nutrition.

God Bless always...
We love you.
Chris and the upstate ny boys.

meg and greg said...

To go along with Chris' ideas, you can also use oatmeal, ground in the blender into a fine dust, in any meal along with any flour. I use some in chocolate chip cookies to fill the boys up a bit. Other wise, they just suck a dozen cookies down without thinking a thing of it. The oatmeal seems to "thicken" it a bit so they fill up, with good stuff, faster.
Just a thought, with a prayer:)
Love ya, Meg

Christl said...

We keep you constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I wish I could give you all the extra weight I have, magically transported from my body to yours, to make everything better for you. Alas, I have too much and you have not enough. I will try hard to lose mine if you will try hard to gain yours!

I hope the doctors are giving you some good vitamins to help process all these calories and help you gain strength. If you need anything, please holler and it will be sent to you. Does citrus fruit take your fancy? What about English muffins with the fixings? Is there anything else you'd like in particular? We would be delighted to send it up your way! Your wish will be our command. Anything we can do to help those t-cells work we would be excited to do!

Tons of love,
Chris and Bainard

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear that Aimee's blood counts are fine and that her kidneys are working well!

We pray for a multiplication of this good news, like loaves and fishes... loaves and fishes fatten you up, right?

Much love!
Katy, Todd, and all the Wilson/Borse family

Petrus said...

Much love and many prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are sending love daily and hoping like crazy for weight gain and better comfort soon. The blood count and kidney news is great.
Hilary and Kevin

Anonymous said...

May the grace of God be with you:Aimee, Will, Tilly & Xavier

You are always in our thoughts and daily prayers. May God grant you the grace to have an unwavering faith & hope in the Power of the Blessed Trinity; for anyone who believes in the power of the Triune God Shall Never be put to shame. "Draw your strength from the Lord & from his Mighty power." (Eph 6:10)
God's Blessing
Fr. Chateau

Anonymous said...

Please pass on my good wishes to Aimee. I was in grad school with her at Tufts (Pallavi updated me on all of this). I will be sending all healthy energy your way, Aimee-- Take good care...

Anonymous said...


You are in our daily prayers. So glad to hear that your blood count is good. This Thanksgiving you can eat an extra slice of pumpkin pie for us!

Much love,
the Labbes
Em, Dave, Norman & Evelyn