Friday, October 03, 2008

Day 10

After 2 doses of IL2, the doctors think she's had enough. Normally, she would be able to tolerate a lot more IL2, but on top of the chemo and TIL cells, a little is a little too much. She's still having trouble breathing, and her heart rate and blood pressure are up again. The doctors aren't worried, though-- they just want to be extra careful. They also say that this amount of IL2 is adequate. The real medicine is the cells; the IL2 is just to boost them a bit.

So, now it's time to convalesce. Aimee's still in the ICU, but once her breathing improves, she'll get to go back to her old room and get some rest. (It's difficult for her to sleep in here with 12 different wires and tubes attached to her and machines beeping every 5 minutes.)


Anonymous said...

Will, Thinking constantly of Aimee and you, and as often as we think we are praying. Thank you so much for your communiques, and thank Aimee too--they make us feel like we're there with you, which we would be if we could. May God bless you both, angels protect you with His special care, and all the powers of heaven fight with those educated cells for victory. Love,

Bainard and Chris

Anonymous said...

We are praying constantly and are wishing we could do more!!

With love,


RKR said...

I hope and pray easy breathing comes soon and you can both have some rest. Again Will, thanks so much for keeping us up-to-date. It really means a lot.
Love to you both,

Anonymous said...

So glad the convalescing can now begin. As always, sending love. I hope Aimee can leave the ICU very quickly but glad she has had such good care, from doctors and husband alike.

Hilary and Kevin

Anonymous said...

lots of love and prayers

Anonymous said...

Will, Aimee, and your families, our prayers and love are with you today and always.
Love, upstate New York
Chris, and the boys