Will and I just got home from our big introduction to the world of RAF treatments. It was a long day, but a pleasantly unremarkable one. We arrived at 8 am to the hospital, whereupon I was assigned my own room and my own nurse. She started an IV, took blood, hooked me up to the EKG pads and took my heart readings once every six minutes for seven readings in a row. This whole time, there was some fierce debate about whether I actually could get the drug today as no one had told me I should have fasted from midnight and I had happily eaten english muffins at six in order to fortify myself for the long day ahead. But finally, I was given the go ahead, the lab order was sent, and the drug came up around ten. (There are these great thick blue chemo gloves and yellow gowns the nurses have to wear around patients once the drugs are present that make it nearly impossible for them to do any of the fine detail work that they need to do--it is a bit funny.) The drug itself was not too bad; they mix it up with apple juice and I drink it in one swallow. It tastes a little funny, but we've all had worse. Then there were hourly EKG readings and blood draws, but, after three hours more of fasting, there was also lunch. They sent us home around 6:30. After today, I'll go back for about an hour daily for the week, and then will just have the once weekly long day in the hospital and take the drug at home myself on the other days thereafter.
I feel amazingly well. I may have a harder time as the month progresses and the drug accumulates in my system, but...we'll see. I've been so lucky so far...
With love :)