Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And then, a not so Memorable Day...

Yesterday we went over the hospital to get me re-hydrated. Court and Beth, wonderful dear family that they are, took shifts minding the kids, and Will and I made a day of it all around. * The docs rearranged my prescriptions, added a head MRI to my scans for next week, and gave me a few days off my cancer meds. It was a long day, but I am feeling much better now. The kids, on the other hand, are feeling a bit under the weather. We've warned you; stay out of Somerville for a few days...

*There is nothing like a few hours in the ER to remind you of how lucky you really are. While I was anxious and cranky with the staff for the long wait, a man came in with his finger in a glass of water. He had cut it off with a table saw; but being from Florence, he didn't even know the words in English to explain how it had happened. He was amazingly patient and calm about the whole thing. We were in the next cubicle from him, and though he was in some terrible pain, he was constantly cheerful. Say a prayer for that one please--and mind your fingers around electric tools. Be well.


meg and greg said...

Hey all! So sorry that things are kind of down. Hope that you are all on the mend. Praying for only health and wellness at your house.
And I agree with you Aim...power tools and human fingers are a bad mix. That's why I never use them, personally. (I let the hubby do all that stuff;)
Lots of blustery kisses and hugs!!!

Annie said...

Many prayers and much love go out to all of you! I feel your pain on the ER visit! I have had countelss nights in ER's wondering what the heck could really be taking so long, and why the docs always seem to be a bit incompetent? Nothing like a good trauma to bring persepctive...better to be bored and waiting then to be the poor guy with his finger in a glass!
Hope the symptoms from the treatment subside! We love you and are praying for you.
Oh! we had the baby last Friday! Thomas Augustine is a splendid blessing! Love you ALL!
Annie and all the boys!

Petrus said...

I look forward to your book entitled "scenes from the cancer ward & ER". Poor florentine guy. If the story had involved train tickets and directions, then you certainly would have been able to help him out. Our Italian vocabulary was so limited!!

Hope everyone is on the mend - c u soon!! (I feel so rebellious when I use text talk. It like I can throw off the rules of spelling!! Calloo, calai!

M. Alexander said...

Was he a sculptor? Perhaps a survivor of the Renaissance era sent to the U.S. to remind us of what we missed, or the archdiocese is about to sell? To the highest bidder and biggest condo developer?

Was it the revenge of a gargoyle sculpture exacting its angry remittance? I was in Cambridge today and my 2 year old saw a gargoyle-planter (yes you read that right) and said, "Look a kitty-kat". Time enough to shatter her illusions. It did look like Hello Kitty with an evil grin and small goatee.

Poor Aimee, if you will tell us the names of the loathesome wretches who made you wait in the ER we will think evil thoughts about them, we will make crank phone calls to them, we will register them as.... Republicans!

We love you,
Mary, Andy, etc.