Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Resting at Home

I think your prayers have helped a ton. Aimee feels good right now. Most of her symptoms are gone-- swelling is down, nausea is gone. Itching is starting up, but for the most part, things are going well. Here's Aimee--


Thank you everyone for your continued care and support--your love has been a source of great strength for me. As Will said, I am feeling so much better--very tired and itchy--but good. The Interleukin process, so far, has gone well. The first week, at least, was "doable" and I am almost geared up mentally for the next round. I should be ready by Monday I hope.

Meanwhile, we have been joking about how we missed a real marketing opportunity in not calling Slimfast; I gained 17 pounds in the hospital but now have lost 20 in the last few days. No worries, this is a normal side effect to the IL and I am eating lots of chocolate to make up the difference.

So for the moment, all is quiet on the homefront. Xavier and Tilly are well and tucked in their own beds, or will be shortly. I hope all is well with you. With lots of love and thanks,


Anonymous said...

Dear Will and Aimee,

Your courage is a constant source of inspiration. Count my prayers among all the others. I read your blog every day. I've known Will since he was a young boy. Aimee, I feel as though I know you also and it's a pleasure.
Donna Phillips

meg and greg said...

Yea, Aimee. It is soooo good to hear you are on the mend. Many more prayers continue in your direction. Keep up the good work guys. And Will, keep the chocolate coming. LOLOLOL